Jimmy Dore
395,- (+avg.)
Ca 90 minutter
Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America."- Patton Oswalt
Jimmy Dore is a certified Youtube sensation with over ONE MILLION subscribers and over 600 millions views.
Jimmy is also an award winning comedian with several Comedy Central Specials including "Citizen Jimmy" which was chosen "Best of the Year" by iTunes & Punchline magazine.
Jimmy's newest role is that of a political commentator and activist who isn't afraid to challenge establishment narratives and speak truth to power. His authenticity and commitment to truth has earned him an incredibly diverse fan base of loyal viewers who are drawn to his quick wit and finely tuned BS detector.
He uses his platform to bridge political divides in an attempt to bring Americans of different political persuasions together against empire.
In addition to covering some of the most important topics of our day, he also uses his influence to advocate for issues that matter to him including free speech, press freedom and Julian Assange.
Jimmy's latest comedy special "Covid Lies are funny" debunks the official narrative around all things Covid and is available now at jimmydore.com
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